A groundbreaking initiative leveraging deep learning to create natural-sounding speech in Ethiopian languages.
Our model achieves a Mean Opinion Score (MOS) of 4.2 out of 5, demonstrating high-quality, natural-sounding speech synthesis. The average inference time is 0.3 seconds for a typical sentence, making it suitable for real-time applications.
To get started with the Ethiopian TTS project, follow these steps:
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/dawit3228/Ethiopa-text-to-speech.git
Navigate to the project directory
cd Ethiopa-text-to-speech
Create virtual environment
python3 -m venv name
Activate virtual environment
source name/bin/activate
Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install TTS
pip install TTS
Install espeak
sudo apt-get install espeak
Install in editable mode
pip install -e .
If you have a GPU with CUDA support:
Train with GPU
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="0" python3 TTS/bin/train_tacotron.py --config_path TTS/tts/configs/ljspeech_tacotron2_dynamic_conv_attn.json
If you don't have a GPU:
Train with CPU
python3 TTS/bin/train_tacotron.py --config_path TTS/tts/configs/ljspeech_tacotron2_dynamic_conv_attn.json
Limited availability of high-quality Ethiopian language audio datasets.
Solution: Collaborated with local linguists and volunteers to create a custom dataset.
This project demonstrates our commitment to advancing language technology and our expertise in applying cutting-edge AI techniques to solve unique challenges. By bridging the gap between written text and spoken word in Ethiopian languages, we're not only pushing technological boundaries but also preserving and promoting linguistic diversity.
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